Uc Davis Pepper Spray

Shocking Police Video Pepper UC Davis Students Stage Sit-down Protest Passive :

A shocking video of the police with pepper spray at a group of students sitting in a protest arose.
Photo of tense standoff, the police and the protesters occupying the University of California, Davis, shows the official using pepper spray is a group of protesters, who seem to sit passively in the hands clasped country.

Witnesses watched in horror as police moved in over a dozen tents erected in the campus quad spraying protesters with blazing yellow spray and arresting 10 people, nine are students.

In the video, the agent shows a bottle before spraying the contents of the protesters sat down in a sweeping motion while walking backwards. Most of the demonstrators head down, but at least one is beaten in the face.
Some members of a crowd at the scene screaming and crying. The crowd sings the song, shame on you ", the protesters on the ground are taken. Minutes later retired officers, wearing helmets and batons on fire.
Uc Davis Pepper Spray
It is not clear from the video, the agency officer used pepper spray is.
Officers of the UC Davis UC and other universities and the city of Davis responded to the protest, according to Annette Spicuzza, UC Davis police. Davis is about 80 miles north of San Francisco.

Ms. Spicuzza said to the Sacramento Bee that police used pepper spray after being surrounded. The protesters were warned several times in advance, that the force would be used if they do not move, she said.
"There was no way out of that circle," said Ms. Spicuzza. "They were cutting off support for the officers. It 'a very volatile situation."

The tents were up on Thursday and protesters were apparently warned Friday morning that they had until 15 hours to take them down or they would be removed.

On Friday, Chancellor Linda University Katcha issued a statement saying that the police had no choice.

"When our requests, a number of the group chose to dismantle their tents in the afternoon, and we are grateful for their actions. However, many protesters rejected the warning, which gives us no choice but to ask the police to remove them.

"We are sad to announce that during this activity, the 10 protesters arrested and pepper spray was used. We will review the details of the incident," she told the New York Daily News.

On Saturday, the chancellor had harsher words for the officers, saying that his office would be to launch an investigation into the incident.

"The use of pepper spray, as shown in the video is frightening to us all and raises many questions about how best to handle situations like that," said Katcha.

The university lacked resources to keep the protest site to become a danger to public health. she said.


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