Trick Or Treat Times

Trick-or-treating is a common practice in many countries, children's Halloween. Costumes Children go from house to house asking is like candy (or, in some cultures, money), and the question, "Trick or treat?". "Trick" is (usually idle) threat of harm is a house or their property if no treat is given.
In North America, trick or treat was a regular tradition of Halloween, at least since the 1950's. Owners wishing to participate in the decoration of his usual entrance with spider webs, skeletons, plastic and paper Jack-o-lanterns. Some owners are reluctant to simply stop something sweet in pots on the porch, others may be more participatory and effort, even a child is asked to give them candy. In more recent years, however, the practice has spread to almost any home in an area visited by children, including nursing homes and condominiums. The tradition of going door to door to receive food once existed in Britain and Ireland in souling where children and poor people would sing and say prayers for the dead in exchange for cakes Guisinger -. The hidden children in costumes go door to door for food and rooms - even before Trick or Treat, and was registered in Scotland Halloween in 1895, who masquerading in the disguise of lanterns made from hollowed-out turnip, visits home to be rewarded with cakes, fruits and money. By going door to door in disguise has been popular among the Scots and Irish, the North American habit of saying "Trick or Treat" has recently become common. The activity is widespread in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Puerto Rico and the northwestern and central Mexico. In the latter case, this practice is called calaverite (Spanish for "little skull"), and instead of "trick or treat" for children to ask me I calaverite ¿? ("I can give a small skull?"); Calaverite With a little sugar or chocolate skulls.
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Practice of dressing up in costumes and begging door to door for the holiday comes from the Middle Ages and even Christmas wassailing. Trick-or-treating souling remembers the late Middle Ages, when the poor people would go door to door is All Saints Day (November 1), will receive food in exchange for prayers for the dead: All Souls Day (November 2). It 'was born in Ireland and Great Britain, Although these practices are the souls of the dead were found as far south as Italy.Shakespeare mentions the practice in his comedy Two Gentlemen of Verona (1593), when the speed of guilt for his masterpiece, "taking [whimpering or whining], like a beggar Saints."The custom of wearing costumes and masks of Halloween dates back to the Celtic tradition of trying to copy the evil spirits or placate them, in Scotland, for example, if the dead young men played masked, veiled or blackened faces, dressed in white.
Trick Or Treat Times
Guisinger on Halloween in Scotland was recorded in 1895, who masquerading in the disguise of lanterns made from hollowed-out turnip, home visits to be rewarded with cakes, fruit and money.The practice of Guisinger on Halloween in North America is first recorded in 1911, a newspaper in Kingston, Ontario reported where children go "Guisinger" in the neighborhood.
The American historian and author, Ruth Edna Kelley, in Massachusetts, wrote the first history book of vacation time in the United States, Book of Halloween (1919), and references souling chapter "Halloween in America"; The taste of the Halloween festivities are now studying the ancient traditions, and keeping a party in Scotland, with Burning Halloween poem as a guide, or go one-souling as the English used. In short, no custom that was once honored at Halloween in fashion now.
Kelley has lived in Lynn, Massachusetts, 4500 City of Irish immigrants, immigrants in England in 1900, and 700 Scottish immigrants in 1920.In his book touches on ways Kelley, from the Atlantic, "the Americans helped them, and do something about this time, it was the best day abroad. All Halloween costumes in the United States has been borrowed directly or adapted from other countries. "

While the first reference to "Guisinger" in North America occurs in 1911, another reference to ritual begging on Halloween appears, unknown location in 1915 with a third reference in Chicago in 1920.
The earliest known printed use of the word "trick or treat" to appear in 1927, from Blackie, Alberta
Halloween was a chance for a real intense pleasure. No real harm was done, except in the minds of some who had to hunt for wagon wheels, doors, cars, barrels, etc, that adorned many of the Front Street. The executioners were young at the front and rear door demanding edible plunder of the word "trick or treat" to the inmates gladly responded and sent the robbers away rejoicing.

Thousands of Halloween postcards produced between the late 20 th century and 1920 commonly show for children, but are not trick-or-treating.The editor of a collection of over 3000 vintage Halloween postcards writes: "There are cards that report to the custom [of trick-or-treating] or show the costumes of the children at the door, but as far as we are been printed more than 1920 and probably until 1930. scammers various types appear in the first postcard, but not the means to appease them. " trick-or-treating does not seem to have become a widespread practice until 1930, and the first appearances of the term the United States in 1934,and the first national publication to be held in 1939.
Trick Or Treat Times
Trunk-or-Treat :

Some of the organizations through the sponsorship of the United States "Trunk-or-treating" on Halloween night (or a random day just before Halloween), where did the trick-or-treat from a parked car in a car parked parking in a local church home frequently. The trunk is opened, displaying candy and decorations often. Worried parents will see safer for their children, while other parents will see it easier to vary the entertainment district with their children. Opponents of the body are affected-or-treating, such as violation of the tradition of walking door to door on Halloween, and how the exclusion of children who do not belong to these groups, and this is not about them. Some have called for more city or community group supported by the trunk-or-is, so they can be more inclusive. Many of the suburbs to see a sharp decline leads to trick-or-treating door, because competitors trunk-or-treating.
These have become increasingly popular over the years, especially in conservative states like Utah, and close around the Midwest and Southern states. This practice is not a panacea for all the perceived problems, however. In 2005, a child in Lehi, Utah, received a vial of cocaine in a safe-or-treat.


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