Frank Miller Holy Terror

Holy Terror By Frank Miller Is Anti-Islam Power In September :

Frank Miller has not done things by halves. A major real comic he created many of the most incredible stories ever grace the art form. So maybe it is just that now he has produced one of the most horrible comics, abusive and vindictive of all time.Holy Terror, Miller, a long, long, long awaited opinion on 9 / 11 and terrorism, the comic stores on Wednesday. Miller, long-term, observers viewed with concern, hoping that his views of an obscure source that does not turn the national trauma of the bad taste cartoon, a one-dimensional fantasy of revenge. They were wrong. It 'even worse.

Miller's Holy Terror is a screed against Islam, completely uninterested in any of Nuance or empathy for 1.2 billion people, merges a pair of murderous conspiracy theorists. It is no accident that released ten years after 9 / 11 This cartoon would be incomprehensible to the unity of the United States believes that after the attack.
Frank Miller Holy Terror
Instead, it is a perfect cultural artifact that dark period of American life, when FBI agents to learn to "mainstream" Islam is no different from terrorism and a community center near Ground Zero is labeled "victory of the mosque . "Call it an illustration of the 9 / 11 of decadence, when all that remains of a horror, a complaint is carefully maintained.Holy Terror, the opening of the Legendary Comics supply, from the substitute Fixer, Batman and Catwoman enjoy Tryst with the formula when to stop nail bomb. The culprit: ". Wands sharper in the eyes of God", "human sciences major," named Amina, a Muslim version of the psychopathic Rorschach from Watchmen, who sneers that the "arrogant" Empire City is like a horizon

Fixer answer is to go to war - indiscriminately. "We give them what they want, not the innocent victims," ​​Fixer mind when he opened fire. You can point to bring home Miller draws a 14-stereotyped Muslims around the front of the righteous anti-hero. Of course, the only way to learn more about the next attack is a torture survivor of a terrorist - that Miller describes pornographically - even if the Muslim Scary says: "The pain does not mean anything to me," then it's not like Fixer is a tortured, You know, man.

"Then Muhammad," said The Fixer. "Forgive me guess your name, but have to admit that the chances are very good that is Muhammad" Of course, the terrorists are creating an army in a mosque, whose walls against "the wind of night hit seven centuries. "This is the content of the book, but I will not spoil the ending.
Frank Miller Holy Terror
The tragedy is that Miller is not hack. Throughout his 35 year career, he was one of the few comic geniuses undisputed. Check Recovery: Daredevil for Ronin to Sin City, Miller excels at exploring the dark side of humanity, without reducing its characters to simple killing machines. Its Dark Knight Returns was one of the comics that will change in the 1980s, the greatest story ever told in Batman, a book that rivals the Watchmen in its ability to prove that comics are literature. As an artist, Fort Mill in Stark black and white colors, but it creates worlds where morality is a subtle grays.
It is also the height of its cultural influence. The film adaptations of Sin City and 300 have been so successful that Hollywood makes direct the spirit. Christopher Nolan rebooted Batman trilogy would be unthinkable if Miller had ever made The Dark Knight Returns. It is said that the next film will be based on Miller reboot Daredevil "Born Again" story.

This means that it is a mistake to write off Holy Terror as indifferent or otherwise stumble into a great career. It is a cultural flag planted to serve as "a reminder that we are in a long war," Miller told the Comic-Con International this year, against an enemy that is "dangerous, deceitful, ruthless and wants nothing less than total destruction. "

The terror this appointment, and Santa is known about the actual situation of the U.S. is strategic in The Holy Terror jihadists are legion, killing American civilians at will. In fact, Al Qaeda has been decimated, constantly battered by air raids, their leader killed by U.S. flagship Navy SEALs, and is unable to pull the plot, although relatively simple, such as pumps packaging printer cartridges and make them explode cargo planes. Terrorists do not have the capacity to do permanent damage to the United States, and are based on an American overreaction to do the job for them. Holy Terror readers never heard of it - or they know that victims of Al Qaeda are mostly Muslims. If Miller was really interested in providing a propaganda coup for Al Qaeda, would have made a comic to laugh at his incompetence.

Therefore, it is difficult to escape the conclusion that Miller is emotionally ready for the defeat of Al Qaeda. He bought into the myth of a "long war" for so long that the only measure that his victory is that the U.S. still fighting chance. Once the fixator is their mission, said: "I am at peace. And the war."
Frank Miller Holy Terror
Oh, and Miller has a different measure of success "really shit [ing] people away," said at Comic-Con. By this, he believes his compatriots, who are at risk to believe that Islam n is not to kill their grandmothers. The Americans are "naive" one of the conspirators in the Holy Terror cackles.

Miller is far from alone in thinking so. His comedy is the latest in a recent series of statements against fanatical Islam, disguised as truth for the Liberals to accept Craven. Dreckig the same presentation with the group that received the summer 2010 battle against the "Ground Zero mosque" so-called: Stop the Islamization of America, the Anti-Defamation League has a group labeled "conspiracy "extremists. One of his supporters, blogger Pamela Geller, who is now threatening to sue New York Metropolitan Transit Authority to reject one of its ads, which critics of Israel called "savages." In Geller-righteous ilk, the rejection of the general public is a witness of their own virtue, a reminder that the rest of the country simply can not handle the reality of the "Muslim threat."

This feeling is a way to the halls of the FBI. In January, one in the field offices were entertained by lectures by Islamic law, Stephen Coughlin, a former Pentagon consultant on the subject. Coughlin typical spiel claims that there is a "ten-year plan" for "defamation of Islam crimes" throughout the world. Your PowerPoint is trumpeting that "the silence of the mainstream media in a direct attack is deafening - not just hot air - but I thought to myself" The FBI terrorism analyst reserves William Gawthrop, who analogizes Islam, Death Star, and is called al-Qaeda, "an insignificant" in relation to the threat of Islam itself. Gawthrop has taught this material to the FBI agents newly minted Quantum terrorism.

It seems that the almost total defeat of Al Qaeda is not enough for this group, so the problem extend to all Islam. Through this prism, which play an act of war of civilizations, which is supposed to give life - and America - that is, beyond the mundane reality of the struggle against terrorism alert. It is more a fantasy than anything to get comics on Wednesday store.It the irony: In the wake of 9 / 11, even George W. Bush out of his way to embrace the Muslim American citizens. "The enemy of America is not our many Muslim friends, are not our many Arab friends," said Bush. However, Coughlin, in his master's thesis, said that Bush was willing to endure "a chilling effect on those responsible for the definition of the doctrine of the enemy effectively by placing a bar of policy analysis, without the limitations of Islamic doctrine as the basis of this threat. "And after 9 / 11, Miller himself had a sophisticated system, a complex reaction, intolerant of piety easily from one person. As the brothers of David at Comic Alliance remember, Miller has contributed to a volume entitled 11.9 artists respond by offering a series of scathing legends Stark -.. "I'm sick of flags that I'm sick of God saw the power of faith" -. A disturbing example of the remains of World Trade Center.

But it was not God who overthrew Towers. It was the fanatics who believed themselves to have deciphered the message true. Miller did not realize that by depicting them as true followers of Islam, it gives murderers what they want most. This is the real terror of the Holy Terror, lies real and actual innocence.


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