Cornel West Arrested

Dr. Cornel West Honors Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. To Go To Jail :

"We will not let this day commemorating Martin Luther King, Jr. to walk without someone going to jail." After these words on the steps of the Supreme Court US, Dr. Cornel West, professor of Princeton University and author of Race Matters, Democracy is important, a new memoir, Brother West: Living and Loving Out Loud, a was arrested. .

The Supreme Court was the appropriate place for this demonstration of respect for Dr. King and to show solidarity with the OWS # (Take control of Wall Street) movement. As Dr. West said before his arrest, is a "relationship between corporate greed and what happens too often, the decisions of the Supreme Court."
Democracy is important in the West makes this point in greater detail "(El), illegal marriage business and political elites, as evident and flagrant violations of our time, not only undermines public confidence that information to send on them. Sleepwalking also promotes the overall population who see false prophets are rewarded with money, status and access to more power. "(P. 4)
Here's the deal: If the content to think that companies have the people and money is speech, because the Supreme Court decided by 5-4, and their citizens against the decision of the United German elections board, so you really Sleepwalking through the citizenship and to give the more your faith in false prophets.
Cornel West Arrested
I think when the account for this coming era is written, historians believe that awakening for many people in America was in early 2010 with the decision of the Supreme Court. Winter 2010 is leading to # OWS demonstrations in autumn 2011.
Can we as citizens accept this definition of the person and speak? This is what Dr. West, by its action on the steps of the Supreme Court, asking us to stop and think. Society as a person? A legal entity without a soul as a human being? No, we can not and we should not. As I have already written, God did not create business.
In his dissent famous "Committee of Citizens United v federal election," ruling, Justice John Paul Stevens made it very clear:
"One might also add that the companies have no conscience, belief, no, no feelings, no thoughts, no desire. Companies help structure and facilitate the activities of human beings, no doubt, and the" personality " often as a useful legal fiction. But they are not members of "We the People", by whom and for whom our Constitution was created. "

This is the theme that unites the events # keep, firms are those for whom the Constitution was written and may not be those that protect the rights of citizens because there really are a deep anger among "We the people ". protestors at these meetings, as illustrated by a photo circulating on my Facebook page with a minus sign OWS #. He says: "I think companies are Texans when performed." This theme resonates over and over again in other signs # to hold rallies "Companies are not people."
But Dr. West does not give rise to anger, he actually called the "deep love" in his remarks before his arrest, and he spoke of his own solidarity with the police, who were about to arrest him.
It is worth to another prison, at other times. In 1963, Dr. King wrote in his Letter from Birmingham Jail
"I am in Birmingham because injustice is here ... I am familiar with the inter-related in all communities and states. I can not stand idly by in Atlanta and not be worried about what happens in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in the same fate. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. "
Part of this letter is one of the fourteen inscriptions on the wall around the new Memorial King: "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere we are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in the same fate. ".
Perhaps Dr. West said that he was on the steps of the Supreme Court for the same reason. According to his website, he spent an evening of Sunday, October 16 "behind bars. And 'ordered to appear in court on Monday, 1:00 p.m. ET to answer accused invaded the steps of the Supreme Court."
Another jail, another time, but the same problem: equity.


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